Secrets of Uncategorized

Categorized_副本When I had no idea on how to categorize my new post, I just put it in a bucket called “uncategorized” on my home page. Recently, I realized this action just simply tells everyone: “I don’t know where to put my articles, so I just stacked them in a corner and waiting you to look for it.”

Someone who has seen my blog and told me: “Imagine you are looking for a book out of 1000 books on a shelf labelled “Unknown”, instead of “Science Fiction” or “Hobbies”. You will get frustrated, believe me.” Eventually, believe it or not, I’ve changed my habit to not “uncategorized” posts on my blog. Let’s see why and how this has happened:

1. Save readers’ time to find the content they’re looking for.
2. Build a good impression that we are able to organize our posts well.
3. Make our categories look nicer without “uncategorized”.
1. Edit post category: Log into WordPress account > click blog post button on the sidebar > choose post that you want to edit > click categories & tags > you can tick an existing category or add a new one > update.
2. Change default category: Dashboard > setting > writing > default post category > change to your favorite category.
3. If you are having problem looking for dashboard like I did, try to open an email “Please moderate your comment” that WordPress sent to you. Then, click approve and you will get into the Dashboard page.

Spend some time to tidy up your categories today, and let’s see what happens! Feel free to comment below and share it.

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